RESPONSIBLE SCHOLARSHIPS AUTH – CLARIFICATION “ANNOUNCEMENT OF SCHOLARSHIPS for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students from vulnerable social groups (SG)”

An e-mail has been sent by the studies department on the subject of  “ANNOUNCEMENT OF SCHOLARSHIPS for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students from vulnerable social groups (EKO)”.

We would like to clarify that  it refers to the retributive scholarships granted by the university  only which are now granted through the “Social Welfare of AUTH students” program

The scholarship holders are required to participate in physical presence in educational activities, which take place in the training areas of the departments or other structures of AUTH (Children’s Center, Counseling Center, Psychological Support as well as for the transportation needs of students with disabilities).

The number of scholarships is determined as follows:

A) Each department will be awarded one (1) scholarship for undergraduate students and one (1) for graduate students.

B) Five (5) scholarships for undergraduate and/or postgraduate students of the Department of Preschool Education and Education of the Faculty of Education of AUTH.

C) Five (5) scholarships for undergraduate and/or postgraduate students of the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Philosophy of AUTH.

D) Eighteen (18) scholarships for undergraduate and/or postgraduate students in addition to the above group (A) regardless of their department of study. The selection of the eighteen (18) seats will be made by the substitutes of all departments for the transportation needs of students with disabilities.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Ioannis Kozaris


Development Programs Office

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Administration Building “Karatheodori”

8th Floor  , Office 805

University Campus, 541 24 Thessaloniki

T: 2310 99 6841

F: 2310 99 6842

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