The PMS provides for tuition fees set at the amount of 4,500.00 (four and a half thousand euros) for each full study cycle. Postgraduate students are obliged to pay them, according to the provisions of the Postgraduate Studies Regulation (payment of tuition fees is made on specified dates, in three equal installments).

Tuition fees are paid to the Special Research Funds Account of the A.P.Th. by the students themselves (or by a third natural or legal person on behalf of the student), using a unique RF payment code (payment identity), from any Greek Bank. The code is personal for each postgraduate student and corresponds to a payment with the corresponding issuance of a document (receipt or invoice), after the P.M.S. Secretariat has been previously informed. in order to take the necessary actions for the correct issuance of the document by the E.L.K.E. service. – A.P.Th..

The delinquent payment of the financial obligations constitutes a reason for not awarding the Diploma or deletion from the P.M.S.

For listeners, fees of 400 euros per course are paid. In the event that a student chooses to attend three courses, a tuition fee of 1,000 euros is paid.

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